March Restarting?

I had a close friend tell me she missed my blog. I also miss taking the time to write about life and parenting but I often feel like I'm short on subject matter. Thanks to this dear friend I realized this is not the case I have been having so many struggles trying to maintain the delicate balance of working (2 jobs), parenting, caring for our home, maintaining friendships, remaining in my marriage and caring for myself. I don't think I would change many of the choices that have lead me here and I love so many aspects of my life and feel blessed often. That said I'm also so damned tired. I am running low on energy and am tired from all the juggling.
I also realized I hold myself up to a really insane standard! I never accept that my parenting journey looks different. Okay fine not never but I often forget that the gauge for me with a disability is different. I don't sign my kids up for as many activities as I would like. I don't have extra energy to do the things that I feel I 'should' be doing. Anyways I don't think this habit is doing me or my family any good so I am going to work on not shoulding myself.
I'm not really sure how this will play out but I am hoping that by writing it down it may help me accept this part of myself I haven't been accepting. I have restrictions other moms don't have and that may mean that I also need to compensate in a way other moms don't. I hope to ask for help transporting kids. Maybe I can find some moms willing to sign up for things together to help support me a bit. I will accept the help my mom offers (even for fear that things may come up with her health). Maybe I will find a way to help care for our home by finally hiring help? This may help my marriage as well since I often feel the house stuff ends up all on my shoulders.
Anyone with suggestions? I'd love to hear them! ~Morgan


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